Tuesday 30 June 2009

School stuff

All at sixes and sevens about starting school, we have a school place at a good school but Little one Sr (and me) fancy another one. It has a good hill that you can scooter down and lots of his friends go. The other one is on the way to Husbands work and I have been put off by the fact that none of the other Mums there seem not to want to speak to me (infact there was even some muttering that it was a shame that children from "the estate" making the class sizes too big).

Loving the whole party and play date etiquette. Little one Sr took his friend a bunch of flowers and some eggs and in return has had a lovely homemade thank you card. I think later we will make her an invitation to our house. It is funny that we encourage our children to use a level if courtesy worthy of victorian society whereas I just say "Ta" and communicate via facebook.

Little one jr had a party at the weekend and was given lots of toys, he has developed a passion for some small wooden horses and goes mental if he does not have one in each hand. The thing that they are meant to do is hide inside the "mummy horse" but the look of horror on his face when I put his little horses in the big horse was something to behold and I think we will just have to let him crawl along covering them in snot, dirt and dribble instead.

Today I am listening to Kate Bush, bonkers and beautiful genius.

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